I'm sure your life has been as busy as mine has these past few months, and I hope you'll drop me a note and update me on the Goings On in your world. New here, a gorgeous li'l grandson, the usual crazy-paced holidays... and my hubby's heart attack on New Year's Eve.
Now before you gasp too deeply, let me assure you that he's fine, just fine. He was blessed to have the head of cardiology at Johns Hopkins perform the triple bypass surgery, and by his birthday on January 8th, was home snoozing in his favorite recliner. In the month that has passed since, the pink has returned to his cheeks, he can tell a whole "Loree Story" without getting winded, and his appetite is back to normal. Isn't God good!
And now on to the real reason for this blog post....
I have news about a great opportunity for you! The "Love Finds You in February" Contest kicks off on Valentine's Day, and if your leave a comment at one of the following blogs and your name is selected, you'll win a copy of one of the fantastic Love Finds You titles highlighted below.
We’re giving away free copies of 8 separate books, and not all to one person, either! There will be eight winners, and here's how you can become one of them:
We’re not doing ‘canned’ author interviews. You’re be doing the interviewing! Pick as many authors as you like, ask any question you please (such as, something about their book(s), their writing or personal lives) and the author will post the answer in the "Comments" section. Be sure to bookmark the page and come back often (or have comments forwarded to your email) so you can keep track of the answers.
PLEASE NOTE: If someone has already asked the author of your choice a question, you must pick another author and a different question. Questions will be moderated before posting, so naturally, no inappropriate questions will be posted.
All authors will be posting this same contest on their personal blogs. You can visit each one by clicking on the blog link listed with each book/author below. That way you can ask a different author a question on each blog, if you’d like, and increase your chances of winning. You're allowed multiple entries for posting on different blogs... but only one entry per blog.
The contest ends on February 14, 2010, . So let's get started! You can click on each author's name in the numbered title line to go and visit their blog. And if you'd like to visit their website as well, click on their name in the bio.So go for it, and have fun!
Chef Sadie Spencer has learned that in life, as well as in food, sour balances sweet. After returning to her deliciously charming hometown of Hershey with a young daughter in tow, Sadie has managed to rise from the ashes following the death of her husband, the passing of her mother, and the dissolution of her career as a TV chef. With the help and encouragement of her best friend, Jasper, she opens a restaurant and looks forward to savoring the sweet side of life. That is, until a handsome Russian entrepreneur arrives in town, apparently intent on opening up his own restaurant in direct competition to hers. Sadie becomes obsessed with honing the one skill she’s never had – creating desserts – to keep up with her adversary, and in the process, she finds a love that’s simply icing on the cake.

Tricia Goyer is the author of twenty-three books including From Dust and Ashes, My Life UnScripted, and the children's book, 10 Minutes to Showtime. She won Historical Novel of the Year in 2005 and 2006 from ACFW, and was honored with the Writer of the Year award from Mt. Hermon Writer's Conference in 2003. Tricia's book Life Interrupted was a finalist for the Gold Medallion in 2005. In addition to her novels, Tricia writes non-fiction books and magazine articles for publications like Today's Christian Woman and Focus on the Family. Tricia is a regular speaker at conventions and conferences, and has been a workshop presenter at the MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) International Conventions. She and her family make their home in the mountains of
Ocieanna Fleiss is a published writer and has edited six of Tricia's historical novels. She lives in the Seattle area with her husband and children.

3.) www.miraleesdesk.blogspot.com

Sandra D. Bricker: Award-winning author of laugh-out-loud comedy for the inspirational market. The Big 5-OH! - Abingdon Press - Due on bookstore shelves 2/1/10 Always the Baker, Never the Bride - Abingdon Press - Due on bookstore shelves 9/1/10

Justin Gerard is the rugged hottie new to her church's singles group. When he signs up for a camping trip in the Ozarks, Lucy loses no time writing her name on the line beneath his. Theres only one problem Lucy's idea of "roughing it" is suffering through a long line at Starbucks. She assumes she can rely on the grace of God and the assistance of her friend to get through.
But at the campsite in Snowball, Arkansas, Lucy bungles everything she attempts as she tries to impress Justin. She can't fish, hike, or ride a horse; caves make her hyperventilate; and hot-air balloons make her ill. Soon, events are snowballing out of control. Will Lucy pretend to be someone shes not just to snag a boyfriend? Or will she discover someone who loves her just as she is?

5.) www.theloughdown.blogspot.com
A former marine is no match for the spunky Sam Sinclair!
Wounded in battle, Bryce Stone has returned to his home town of North Pole, Alaska, and the self-admitted scrooge isn’t happy about living in the town “Where the spirit of Christmas Lives Year Round.” What’s worse, he must postpone his dream of opening a furniture-making shop when his aunt retires and leaves him the family’s cramped and cluttered Christmas boutique. When Bryce underestimates the young woman he’d hired to manage the store, it becomes a battle of wills, and soon Bryce and Sam find themselves fighting for more than just the success of the shop.