I'm sure your life has been as busy as mine has these past few months, and I hope you'll drop me a note and update me on the Goings On in your world. New here, a gorgeous li'l grandson, the usual crazy-paced holidays... and my hubby's heart attack on New Year's Eve.
Now before you gasp too deeply, let me assure you that he's fine, just fine. He was blessed to have the head of cardiology at Johns Hopkins perform the triple bypass surgery, and by his birthday on January 8th, was home snoozing in his favorite recliner. In the month that has passed since, the pink has returned to his cheeks, he can tell a whole "Loree Story" without getting winded, and his appetite is back to normal. Isn't God good!
And now on to the real reason for this blog post....
I have news about a great opportunity for you! The "Love Finds You in February" Contest kicks off on Valentine's Day, and if your leave a comment at one of the following blogs and your name is selected, you'll win a copy of one of the fantastic Love Finds You titles highlighted below.
We’re giving away free copies of 8 separate books, and not all to one person, either! There will be eight winners, and here's how you can become one of them:
We’re not doing ‘canned’ author interviews. You’re be doing the interviewing! Pick as many authors as you like, ask any question you please (such as, something about their book(s), their writing or personal lives) and the author will post the answer in the "Comments" section. Be sure to bookmark the page and come back often (or have comments forwarded to your email) so you can keep track of the answers.
PLEASE NOTE: If someone has already asked the author of your choice a question, you must pick another author and a different question. Questions will be moderated before posting, so naturally, no inappropriate questions will be posted.
All authors will be posting this same contest on their personal blogs. You can visit each one by clicking on the blog link listed with each book/author below. That way you can ask a different author a question on each blog, if you’d like, and increase your chances of winning. You're allowed multiple entries for posting on different blogs... but only one entry per blog.
The contest ends on February 14, 2010, . So let's get started! You can click on each author's name in the numbered title line to go and visit their blog. And if you'd like to visit their website as well, click on their name in the bio.So go for it, and have fun!
Chef Sadie Spencer has learned that in life, as well as in food, sour balances sweet. After returning to her deliciously charming hometown of Hershey with a young daughter in tow, Sadie has managed to rise from the ashes following the death of her husband, the passing of her mother, and the dissolution of her career as a TV chef. With the help and encouragement of her best friend, Jasper, she opens a restaurant and looks forward to savoring the sweet side of life. That is, until a handsome Russian entrepreneur arrives in town, apparently intent on opening up his own restaurant in direct competition to hers. Sadie becomes obsessed with honing the one skill she’s never had – creating desserts – to keep up with her adversary, and in the process, she finds a love that’s simply icing on the cake.

Tricia Goyer is the author of twenty-three books including From Dust and Ashes, My Life UnScripted, and the children's book, 10 Minutes to Showtime. She won Historical Novel of the Year in 2005 and 2006 from ACFW, and was honored with the Writer of the Year award from Mt. Hermon Writer's Conference in 2003. Tricia's book Life Interrupted was a finalist for the Gold Medallion in 2005. In addition to her novels, Tricia writes non-fiction books and magazine articles for publications like Today's Christian Woman and Focus on the Family. Tricia is a regular speaker at conventions and conferences, and has been a workshop presenter at the MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) International Conventions. She and her family make their home in the mountains of
Ocieanna Fleiss is a published writer and has edited six of Tricia's historical novels. She lives in the Seattle area with her husband and children.

3.) www.miraleesdesk.blogspot.com

Sandra D. Bricker: Award-winning author of laugh-out-loud comedy for the inspirational market. The Big 5-OH! - Abingdon Press - Due on bookstore shelves 2/1/10 Always the Baker, Never the Bride - Abingdon Press - Due on bookstore shelves 9/1/10

Justin Gerard is the rugged hottie new to her church's singles group. When he signs up for a camping trip in the Ozarks, Lucy loses no time writing her name on the line beneath his. Theres only one problem Lucy's idea of "roughing it" is suffering through a long line at Starbucks. She assumes she can rely on the grace of God and the assistance of her friend to get through.
But at the campsite in Snowball, Arkansas, Lucy bungles everything she attempts as she tries to impress Justin. She can't fish, hike, or ride a horse; caves make her hyperventilate; and hot-air balloons make her ill. Soon, events are snowballing out of control. Will Lucy pretend to be someone shes not just to snag a boyfriend? Or will she discover someone who loves her just as she is?

5.) www.theloughdown.blogspot.com
A former marine is no match for the spunky Sam Sinclair!
Wounded in battle, Bryce Stone has returned to his home town of North Pole, Alaska, and the self-admitted scrooge isn’t happy about living in the town “Where the spirit of Christmas Lives Year Round.” What’s worse, he must postpone his dream of opening a furniture-making shop when his aunt retires and leaves him the family’s cramped and cluttered Christmas boutique. When Bryce underestimates the young woman he’d hired to manage the store, it becomes a battle of wills, and soon Bryce and Sam find themselves fighting for more than just the success of the shop.
I'm SO looking forward to seeing all your comments, my precious friends!
But you'd better get busy, typing... it's only a week 'til Valentine's Day!
I wish you could all win a book! Good luck!
Hugs to you all,
First I have to say I'm glad that your hubby is okay! I hope he continues to recover!
As for my question, I wanna know what are you currently working on as far as writing goes?
xoxo~ Renee
I don't believe I have commented here yet... it's hard to keep all the blogs straight!!
My question is for you, Loree!
I was wondering, how do you figure out the plot for your books? do you lay it all out at the beginning or do you develop the plot as you write?
This is just super, Lorre! Enter me to win your book about the North Pole, Alaska!
Hi Loree!
I've read all of your books except for the North Pole one and have loved them all each more even than the last, so if I could I would like to enter the contest to win that one if I could.
Thanks you,
Put me in for Love Finds You In Paradise PA! Thank you,
Loree, where did you come up with your story line ideas for Love Find You in Paradise Pennsylvania and Love Finds You in North Pole Alaska? They sound very different from each other.
cynthiakchow (at) earthlink (dot) net
I know we were discussing this by email, but I was wondering if you would talk about how you wrote the romance slow in your book. What made you decide to do it that way?
Have you ever been to North Pole, Alaska?
This is for Loree. :)
Did you travel to Alaska to research this book?
My question for Tricia,
Do you have a hero in writing? Someone you look on as someone who you love to read their books and they help you with ideas or writing style?
For you, Loree:)
Have you been to the places you write about or do you normally just research a place? Like Alaska and PA? Thanks!!
For Sandra,
What do you normally do in a day? Do you have a set time for writing?
Gonna try and respond to each question in the order they're posted. Okey dokey... here goes....
To Renee: Thanks for the well-wishes for my hubby. Every day is better than the one before, so thanks, too, for your continued prayers. As for your question (what I'm working on now), I'll give a 3-part answer: Working on the lead book in my First Responders series for Abingdon, titled One Forsaken Man, the 2nd in my Lone Star Legends series for Whitaker, called Lonely No More, and doing preliminary research for my 3rd LFY title, set in Folly Beach, SC.
To "Anonymous" (who wanted to know how I plot my books), the answer is you betcha! I start with my trusty Timeline, which helps me 'fix' the setting and time period in my mind while allowing me to devise character sketches. Without this thing, no way I could have written 76 books in 13 years!
Marlee, Ina and Ann didn't have a question, and asked to be entered in the contest. You guys DID post a comment, so I guess that qualifies you, but being interviewed by y'all is a hoot, so I hope you'll come back and ask a question... soon!
Cynthia wants to know where I came up with the ideas for LFY in Paradise and North Pole. Well, Summerside chose the locations, and based on that, I interviewed sources and did research that allowed me to devise storylines. And yes, they're very different novels!
Martha's question is for Miralee, so I'll let her 'have at' that one.
Patty asks if I've ever been to North Pole, and the answer is yes... many many years ago, we passed through town for a couple of hours. If I'd known that some day I'd set a story there, I would have taken more pictures! LOL
Casey's question is along those lines, and she wants to know if I went to Alaska to research LFY in North Pole. And the answer is... yes and no: Went there, but not specifically to research the book.
Charity's first question is for Tricia, so... Tricia m'dear... ye-e-er up!
Charity's second post asks if I've been to all the places I write about. Again, the answer is yes and no. I've visited MOST of the places that become settings in my novels, but I haven't been to all of them. I am 'puppy to the root', though, when it comes to research, and the end result is that readers write me to ask what street I lived on, where I went to school or church, and how long ago I moved away from their fair city.
Charity's 3rd question is for Sandie...
And that's it for now, dear hearts! I'll check back again later today. And tomorrow. And a couple of times every day until Valentine's Day, when we'll all find out who won what!
'Til later, please know that you're all in my thoughts and prayers, and I hope you're enjoying a magnificent Monday!
Hugs to every one of you!
Loree (1 Corinthians 10:13)
Charity: I have a day job out in Corporate America as an editor. So 40+ hours per week belong to someone else. Because of that, I've found that my best regimen is to cram everything I can into the weekdays (day job, laundry, errands, even friends) and then plant a big old fence around my weekends. From Saturday morning until Sunday night, my time is spent writing. I set the alarm on Saturday morning and wake up as if I'm going to the day job; except I stay in my jammies and fire up the laptop and start writing. I've gotten pretty good at this level of time management, and I plot out timelines for using weekends only so that I know how much I need to accomplish each weekend to meet my deadlines.
Hi Martha, nice to see you here and thanks for the question.
I'm going to be careful how I answer this, as I don't want to step on anyone's toes who loves romance where the hero and heroine fall in love at first sight, and are dying to show it, but an insurmountable obstacle is keeping them apart, LOL!
I've read a few of those that I enjoyed, where the story line was unique enough to keep my interest, but I don't find 'love at first sight' very believable for real life. Attraction? Definitely! But love takes time to develop...they need to get acquainted, first.
So, I write what I enjoy reading when it comes to romance, and that's a story that develops slowly and naturally, and the romance isn't forced.
This is such a cleaver idea. Letting the readers ask questions.
I don't have either of Loree's books, but would love to be entered in for both of them. Does that mean I have to ask two questions? I love these love find you books. They are so fun!
OK Loree question # 1 for you...
How did you get involved in writing a book(s) for this Summerside series?
question # 2:
How many books total are in this series?
I can't wait to see if I snagged any of these books. Thanks
ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com
This one is for Ocieanna. Writing with a co-author can be challenging but also rewarding. What was your part in getting this novel finished?
tiff [at] amberstockton [dot] com
Amber Stockton
For Ocieanna: I've spoken with Cerella at length about how popular culture (movies, music, art) influences and inspires her in the writing process, and I wonder whether anything in particular plays into your own creative process. Do you surround yourself with certain stimuli to spark your stories and characters, or do you keep your work space free of all influence?
Cerella, did you travel to the Hershey area to do your research? Also I noticed the theme centers around the resturant business. Have you ever worked in that business?
How long does it take you to write a novel?
Loree, do you use pics for your characters or just picture them in your mind?
Charity: It looks like we had a glitch with the answer I posted for you yesterday, so I'm going to try again! If at first you don't succeed ... Right?
I work a pretty demanding day job as an editor out in Corporate America, so 40+ hours every week belong to someone else. So the routine that seems to work for me is using my weekdays after hours for errands, laundry, even socializing. Then when I'm on a writing deadline, my weekends are fenced for writing alone. I set my alarm on Saturday morning and from then until Sunday night, there is nothing other than writing. Just like a work day, only usually in my jammies or sweats!
For Sherry, who asked how long it takes me to write a novel:
Twice, I've completed 70,000 word novels during a 3-day weekend. A very grueling weekend, with no breaks and no sleep. (I'm not insane, and I wasn't on deadline! LOL Both books were written as a favor to an editor, whose calendar developed holes when other authors didn't turn their books in on time, or delivered "unpublishable" manuscripts.)
Most books take about 3 months, from "idea" to "TA-DA!", but I've spent a couple months more on a few, too.
May your day be filled with sunshine, cutie pie!
And for Caroline, who asked if I use photos when creating characters, the answer is "Sometimes...." A couple of times, I'll 'envision' a famous woman who fits the character's personality. Or maybe the heroine is a blend of people from my own little corner of the world. And once in a while, I'll spot a model, posing in a magazine, and think "THAT's m'girl!"
Have a beautiful day, dear lady!
Hi Loree!!
When and how did you get the "call" to write?
Also, what has God taught you about non-writing areas of life through your writing?
(I hope that makes sense!)
A question for Lauree:
As much as I have always love to read, well all of my life since I learned how, there is no way I could come up with an idea for a books and then hve to put it into words that makes sense.
My questions is did you major in jourlizm in college or did this just come natural. As God says we all have talents but everyone is differnet.
I thank God he gave us authors and made me a reader.
My question is for Ocieanna. How do you feel about co-authoring another book? Is it something you would consider for the future?
Thank you,
scraphappy71 at sbcglobal dot net
I know I posted a question on here yesterday, but I just can't find it. So I'll post to all you authors again today.
Let's do some rather questions;
we'll start with Loree,
Would you rather live at the zoo or on a farm? and why?
Would you rather have a ice cream cone or a ice cream sundae? why
Would you rather visit a Disney world or the Holy land? why?
would you rather celebrate Christmas or Valentines. Why
Would you rather live in the jungle in a tree or in the deep ocean? why
Would you rather have a goat or an ape as a pet? why?
LOL! Mmm, I think 'ape'. When I was very young, I used to think I wanted to work with gorillas (I was having a Dian Fossey phase.) And I still find them to be magnificent creatures. :)
You're coming up with some fun questions!! I'd have to say I'd rather visit Hollywood IF I could visit some studios where shoots were going on, and be able to see some of the TV and movie sets. The main reason is because I've already visited Disneyland 3 times as an adult...but if you were to say Disneyworld, I'd have to switch to that, as it's got SO much more than Disneyland!
Thanks! Miralee
Hey, all you BEAUTIFUL authors!!!! How do you balance your writing time with family/church life/outside work/"you time"/etc.?
Love you all! Wish I had more time to READ!
Ice cream sundae, definitely. It's an extra chance to have chocolate (sauce) and whipped cream!
I have to say I'm not a fan of Valentine's Day. If you try to go out the restaurants are packed and the food isn't great. I love getting loved on by my husband all year long :)
And ... I love Christmas. Family, food, fun. And I'm a huge gift giver! I love it.
Hey Kristin (who asked when/how I "got the call" to write)! God made it pretty clear early in my life that WORDS would be a major part of my work for Him. As a kid, babysitting unruly children, He gave me the bright idea to make up stories to keep them in line; as a singer on the road, He suggested that I tell little stories to help 'set up' the songs I sang; as a reporter, He ensured that every bit of past experience found its way into my articles; and as an author, ALL of those things combined to help me create the stories He wants me to tell!
And to Edna, who asked if I majored in Journalism or a similar course to prepare me for this calling, the answer is NOPE! LOL As I often tell students who sign up for my writing classes, the things we learn in school help us understand the mechanics of a good sentence; grammar, punctuation, and spelling are all very important. But "storytelling" is a craft, like sketching or sculpting, playing the piano or singing close harmony in the choir, in that it demands practice, practice, practice... and the more of it you do, the better at it you get.
I just LOVE Abi's question (would I rather live at the zoo or on a farm)! Given those choices, I'd take the zoo any day, because I had an opportunity once to go 'behind the scenes' at a national zoo, where I held a baby gorilla, petted snow leopards, and sat on a camel's back (among other things!). Besides, my paternal grandpa ran a dairy farm, so I've sorta already had that experience! LOL
Sharlene, my dear and talented romance novelist friend, the way *I* find time for church, family, friends, hobbies, writing, AND marketing is two-fold: First, I write two very detailed To Do lists every single day, one for household chores and errands, one for work. And then I grab my trusty Pampered Chef timer. I set that li'l baby for 5 or 10 minutes (depending on the task), and when it beeps, I'm on to the next thing on my lists. Well that, and lots of coffee. High-test. Black. LOL
Goodness, gracious, sakes alive, this is really turning into a fun, fun contest, isn't it!
Every day, I find myself wishing for more hours in the day so I can come over here and read all the fantastic comments and questions y'all are leaving.
I'm having such fun, as a matter of fact, that I wish ALL of you could win books!
Good luck, m'dears, and keep posting stuff, cuz I'm havin' a ball, reading it all!
Y'know, it's getting closer and closer to Valentine's Day, isn't it. Closer and closer to finding out which of you will win... and finding out if we'll get a big heart-shaped box of chocolates, theater tickets, a diamond the size of our noses, or a thoughtful card to remind us how much we mean to that special person in our lives.
I've written a whole 'Valentine's Day thing' at Facebook and Shoutlife! Have a peek and see if you find the history of the day as fascinating as I did!
See you soon,
I'm SO excited to see all these comments at the Love Find You authors' blogs!
You guys have worked so hard! Seems a shame only a few of you can win books, doesn't it?
Well, how's THIS for an idea to double your chances of winning a free book (at least, one of mine! LOL):
Head over to my web site (http://www.loreelough.com) and leave me a short note. I'll compile a list of names, shake 'em up in a hat, and let my trusty canine companion (Cash) choose the winner!
Tomorrow, I'll come back to let you know how, exactly, Cash makes his 'picks'. LOL
Until then, have a fabulous Friday, m'dears!
Hugs to you all,
This question is for Ocieanna!
Do you prefer to write on a computer or with a pad of paper and a pen?
Loree, you are great and inspiring. What fascinates me about you is your ability to write so many books. When did you began the journey into the beautiful world of writing?
You are a great writer. When you are flowing, it is difficult for people to know what is burning inside of you. You feel unusual, as if you are in another world. I think every writer feel that way.
To Ruyi, who asked when I began my journey into the beautiful world of writing... may I first say that yes, words ARE burning inside every writer, especially when they've been written on our hearts by the Almighty (with instructions on how He wants us to deliver them to our brothers and sisters!).
As I might have said earlier, I've always been a storyteller. Thanks to our patient and loving Father, who took me by the hand and led me to The Writing Path, I've managed to earn a modest living with 'words'.
And I thank Him every time I sit at my computer and the spark of an idea flares into the beginnings of a story!
Blessings on your weekend, dear Ruyi!
This is a question for Cerella. Do you enjoy baking like Sadie in your book?
God bless,
Hey, everybody!
I've posted information about this contest, just as the rest of these talented LFY authors have, on Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, and Shoutlife. And you should feel free to share it with people in your address book who love to read exciting, faith-based fiction!
It's hard to believe there are only a few hours left before we'll select a winner, isn't it! Are you as excited to find out which of you will receive autographed copies of the Love Finds You titles as I am!?
Enjoy what's left of this weekend, m'dears. I know I will, because the sun is shining and there's NO SNOW falling from the sky! LOL
Hugs to all of you!
I do enjoy cooking! Although when it comes to baking, I usually stick more to breads and savory items rather than sweets. My sister (who doesn't really cook otherwise) is the one with a talent for baking. She manages to make cookies that taste EXACTLY like those our great-grandmother used to make. I'll whip up breads (focaccia is my specialty), but I leave the sweets to her. Unlike Sadie, I'm fortunately not too bad when it comes to desserts although I stick to simpler recipes in that area. Thanks for asking! :)
Wow! Hardly seems possible that this amazing contest has ended already, does it!
Thank you all SO much for participating. I hope you had as much fun as the bunch of us did!
Here's the list of winners:
Martha A
Kathy Eberly
Sherry K
I've already been in touch with Sherry, so Marlee, if you'd be so kind as to send me your mailing address and let me know if you prefer North Pole or Paradise, I'll get it into the mail asap!
I hope we can do this again sometime soon. It's been a hoot!
Meanwhile, great big mushy hugs blessings to you all!
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