Here's hopin' all's well with you and yours!
I'm still dryin' out from a long, soggy weekend at our early-attic-furnished cabin in the Allegheny Mountains. Fortunately, the cloud cover didn't interfere with our satellite signal, and we were able to watch hours of Discovery Science and Animal Planet. (Don't tell my hubby, but I've fallen in love with Survivorman.
First, let me tell you how much I've enjoyed (and learned!), reading your posts here at The Lough Down. Please, please, please...keep it up. Your ideas, comments, and suggestions are a source of inspiration...and the foundation of many articles. And remember: Posting qualifies you to attend one of my Leading Edge Writers' Studios workshops at a discount...or absolutely free...simply by reminding me you've posted....
Speaking of which, the next Leading Edge workshop takes place on November 11th. As always, we'll begin the day in Kahler Hall's Marchand Room at 9 and hit the road at 4. (If you've submitted 5 pages for a free critique, I'll meet with you at day's end.)
Our guest speaker this session is New York's own Jan Kardys, whose years of experience in the industry have prompted her to open the doors to her own literary agency. She's willing to meet with you, one-on-one, during the workshop...provided you've registered by November 3rd...for a 15-minute interview.
FYI: The past few workshops have been such a hit that plans are in the works to host weekend and week-long writing retreats at Caribbean, U.S., Canadian, and European locations. (More information on cities and hotel/B&B will be available soon, so check back to find out if your home town or dream destination is on the list.)
The Leading Edge practice of featuring industry experts as guest speakers will, of course, remain intact. Nationally renowned best-selling authors, NY editors and agents, a handsome Britain-born leading man, and a gorgeous Hollywood starlet are but a few examples of 'featured guests' who will participate in the retreats. Each 'star' will address specific areas of the industry (PR/marketing, taxes, securing agent representation, copyrights, contracts, etc), and will be availble for private interviews, autograph and photo sessions, and ordinary conversation during sit-down meals. Sign up for as many how-to sessions as you please, use the time to tour our host cities, or just 'shadow' your favorite guest speaker! (Naturally, I'll deny making that last suggestion....)
Until those plans are a little more 'firmed up', the Leading Edge Writers' Studios continues to provide students with day-long nuts-and-bolts workshops that promise to meet the needs of writers, regardless of genre or skill level. As always, breakfast, lunch, and beverages are provided for you, along with numerous handouts and all writing materials. (Visit www.loreelough.com or ShawGuides Writing Workshops (type Leading Edge Writers' Studios into their 'search' block for more details).
Oh...and remember: A percentage of your registration fee is earmarked for The Wolf Sanctuary of Pennsylvania, so you can feel doubly good about signing up, since your hard-earned dollars will do far more than help you excell as an author, but will provide much-needed help to the magnificent residents of Speedwell Forge, as well.
Hope to see your shining faces on November 11th. (Pssst...did I mention that if you mention this blog posting when you register, you're automatically eligible for a 10% discount to the workshop of your choice?)
Meanwhile, take care!
All my best,