I've been enamoured of wolves since the early 90s, when I researched them for a novel I was writing. Started collecting 'wolf stuff' back then...a plaque here, a statue there...an over the years, I've accumulated more than 100 'wolf things'.
Quite by accident, I found a wolf sanctuary in Pennsylvania, about a two hour drive from my house. What a place! You can find similar organizations near you online. Doesn't hafta be wolves. Maybe your wildlife 'love' is tigers, or monkeys, or bald eagles. You'll be pleasantly surprised at how many individuals and organizations are out there, dedicated to the protection and preservation of many species.
You'll also find it satisfying and fulfilling, doing something positive that will help your chosen critter. Yes, I fully support every effort being made to improve the lives of The Wolves of Speedwell Forge. And yes, I've made a vow to dedicate a portion of my income every year to The Wolf Sanctuary of Pennsylvania. Of course, those magnificent animals benefit from my donations.
But I have to be honest: What my contributions do for my soul can't be bought with dollars and cents. If I could, I wouldn't just write checks, I'd buy a little house nearby, so I could see the results of my so-called good works.
If you aren't already involved with a similar project, try one on for size. I guarantee you'll love how it makes you feel. (And just imagine how your readers will react when you put those emotions into the stories you're crafting!)
Well, that's it for now. Until next time, take care, keep those keyboards clackin'!
All my best,
Lori, this is a great idea. My favorite animal is the cheetah. I watched a documentary on how they're slowly going extinct. You have made me want to do what I can to keep that from happening. So I'm off to Google-land!
Keep up the super work. I hope you know how many lives you have positively affected with your blog, including mine.
Thanks, Greg, for your kind remarks! The cheetah will thank you, too, once you get involved to prevent their extinction.
Come back and let me know what you've decided to do!
All my best,
I was reading your blogs and wanted to invite you to the big day we are having we are having a wolf awareness weekend oct.19-21 with the 20th being the big day we will be doing tours having speakers doing work shops(if you would like to volenteer any of you time we would love to have you for a work shop or what ever.We are trying to raise more money to get some new pens put up so the wolves can have even more space to roam.we will be starting at 9 am ending at sundown.
thank you so much
ps. love your picture of thor on your site that is my boy cant help but love him.
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